What Exactly Is Digital Marketing?


When you’re looking into various ways to grow a following for what you provide as a service or sell as a product, there are a couple of routes you can take. Digital marketing, in particular, provides plenty of helpful tools that expand on traditional marketing. Marketing allows you to create a story for your customer about what you can add to their life. With digital marketing, you have more at your fingertips and more space to connect with your customers. With organic digital marketing, you can choose not to spend money but will have to be tactful and patient before you see results. You can also do paid digital marketing, which will allow you to interact quickly.

Organic Digital Marketing

As stated above, organic digital marketing is marketing that you don’t put money into. It’s more about creating content that will “organically” get the customer to your site. Through blogs that are rich in SEO, with this strategy you are hoping that whatever you put into the world would be attention-grabbing enough that the person reading would take time to find your information and learn more about you. The presence that you have on your social media accounts is also very important. Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter are great spaces to talk directly with your customers, advertise for deals that you are having, and give updates on new products or services. Unlike blogs, where you’re just informing your reader, social media allows you to make your customers feel like a part of the family. Having an active social media presence with video content and a responsive page runner can be a very affordable way to grow your base. 

Paid Digital Marketing

If you are willing to put a bit of money into getting a great deal of money out, paid digital marketing is guaranteed to create growth. You can reach out to influencers and make a contract for them to talk about your product or services on their pages. You can also reach out to podcasts and pay to get on their show to be able to talk about what you offer. There are also ways to enhance your social media presence by looking into paid ads through social media. You can also look into video content marketing and connect with an agency to help you develop something eye-catching and innovative. While paid digital marketing costs money upfront, it often creates more money in the future. 

Paid Social Media Ads

As mentioned before, putting money into your social media will greatly improve the connections you make with followers and make it easier to find new customers. Facebook and Instagram allow users to create a business account where they can pay for ads to be presented for a certain amount of time. TikTok allows advertisements for certain products and services. While you’ve already been connecting with your customers through your social media pages, paid ads will help you wrangle in new connections that might have never come across your page naturally. 

Digital Marketing Through Video Content

Working with an agency to create video content can allow you to work with professionals who will be able to see your vision and turn it into something exciting. This content allows the viewer to understand your service or product better and engage with them on a deeper level. Creating exciting video content goes hand-in-hand with developing a strong social media base. Since people see thousands and thousands of videos daily trying to sell them products, you must work with people who can create original content that will stand out from the crowd. Without originality, it’s easy for your content to get lost on viewers. While using the tool of video content in digital marketing can be tricky, if done correctly, it can connect you to a whole new base. 

In Conclusion: The Importance of Digital Marketing

You may still be wondering why digital marketing is important, especially if you already have a stable consumer base and have been successful with word of mouth. We’re in a technological age, where innovation and creativity are the best ways for products and services to be sold to consumers. With just a click of a button, most people have thousands of products and services easily accessible to them. So, you now have to work harder and be more open-minded about how you are going to get people interested. Digital marketing fills that gap between you and your customers. At Starks Media, we are always working to find better ways for you to connect. 

Marketing VideoKara